Missing Teeth. Replace them with Dental Implants.In a recent study at the America Heart Association’s Scientific Session 2011, Dr. Anders Holmlund in Sweden studied 7,999 people with gum disease (periodontal disease).

The study showed that people with fewer than 21 teeth had a 69 percent increased risk of heart attack. Missing teeth are an indicator of heart attacks. Therefore, if you have missing teeth, visit with your dentist to address the cause of tooth loss. Discover and stop the reasons for your tooth loss. Also, consider replacing your missing teeth with dentures, bridges or dental implants.

The study further related that people with the least amount of teeth had a 2.5x -increased risk of congestive heart failure. Swollen ankles is a sign of congestive heart failure.

Moreover, people with deeper periodontal pockets had a 53 percent increased risk of heart attack. This is most likely due to the endotoxin secreted by the bacteria present underneath the gum tissues. The signals, unfortunately, are sent to the heart to attack itself. The good news is that this is reversible by going in for professional dental cleanings and immediately removing the harmful source of endotoxin.

Did you ever brush your teeth and have your gums bleed? Well, people with the most areas of bleeding had a 2.1x – increased risk of stroke. Wow, that is shocking! The good news is that you now have a signal for heart issues by taking notice of how your gums are doing.

Bleeding gums = increased risk of heart attack = shorter life span

Bleeding gums are your signal to make a dental appointment to determine the cause of the irritated gums. A simple cleaning takes care of the issue in most cases. More severe gum issues may require surgery to fix the problem.

Finding source of missing teeth = increased health = longer life span

Missing teeth can be replaced with removable dentures, custom resin or ceramic fixed bridges, or with dental implants. Dental implants are the most reliable method of replacing missing teeth when the patient devotes time to keep his or her mouth clean and evaluated on a regular basis by the dentist that performed the work.

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